Setting Up Quarantine: When Family Arrives

With the confirmed cases of coronavirus continuing to rise, enhanced quarantine protocols may be on its way. If you’re sharing your home to relatives, read the post below to make sure you’re ready.

Are You Ready for Quarantine with Your Family?

The Numbers Are Still Going Up

All over the nation, people are facing hardships that go way beyond this virus. They are struggling both financially and morally over the situation. At first glance, there is the overwhelming fear of getting sick and dying from COVID-19. Though unlikely for most people it’s still of concern.

The other, maybe larger, concern is that state governments have taken large chunks of American liberties and turned them on their head. People are starting to understand that without jobs, without a cure, and with radical restrictions, they could become potential targets for a serious bout of civil unrest.

The closer you are to NYC, the more concerned you might be about this. Today, New York and New Jersey are making up 50% of all cases in the U.S. So, we are looking at a total infections number just under 257,000.

It’s safe to say that people in the Northeast are going to be paying close attention. There might be some of your people up there.

If you are going to be moving people around, then you need to have a plan.

Let’s look at what it would take to move the pieces on the chessboard.

Deciding If  You Can Handle Others

Deciding If  You Can Handle Others | Setting Up Quarantine: When Family Arrives

Before you consider bringing in relatives or doing anything with chess pieces, you need to consider if you have the capacity. We are not dealing with a short-term issue here. If you move people into your state, there is a good chance that you are going to have them with you for a while.

You should take a hard look at things like sleeping space, living space, and of course, food and resources. If you don’t have the calories to get the job done, you might want to reconsider. There could be some very hard decisions in the future.

Example: Will you be welcoming a couple of family members but still have a family of four to feed?

To avoid that situation, just don’t be there if it’s not necessary. Your ego will tell you that you are to protect people and provide for them. That’s ok, but the ego can be a dangerous leader.

Do your due diligence. If you cannot help them, you might be making a bad situation worse!

That said, you should also consider the perks. Family members can bring food, they might have a job that provides income when no one else has income. They might also have unique skill sets. If Aunty Alyssa is a teacher, it’s probably pretty good to have her around to help homeschool the kids.

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Making the Move

If you decide that moving someone to your home fits into your plans and needs to happen, the next step is assuring it can happen.

As restrictions tighten, you are going to need to discuss when your family should leave to get to you safely. Understand that if the numbers in one area get too high, they may not be able to travel anymore. In that scenario, they will be trapped with whatever kind of collapse or unrest exists in their location.

So, the timing of a move is very important. Be sure to set some triggers with your family. Create some If/Then statements so they understand when it’s time to go.

These could be things like:

  • Bridge Closures
  • Road Closures
  • Tightening of Local Restrictions
  • Surrounding Area Restrictions

Quarantine the Newcomers

Quarantine the Newcomers | Setting Up Quarantine: When Family Arrives

When the newcomers arrive, there is going to be a period where you should really consider quarantine. You will have to set up a room and a bathroom for these people to use for a few days.

You can use your quarantine kit, which should include plastic sheeting, to create a route place where they can move freely.

Your quarantine kit should include things like:

  • Masks
  • Tyvek Suits
  • Goggles
  • Hair Covers
  • Gloves
  • Plastic Sheeting
  • Disinfectants

This should only last for about three days. Check temperatures to be sure that you don’t have someone who is showing symptoms.

Of course, no matter how effective your quarantine is, you must realize that there is an inherent risk to bringing in new people. They could be asymptomatic and still spread the disease. You must consider that, as well.

Approach with a Preparedness Plan

Moving families or family members across state lines at a time like this is no easy feat. However, there could come a time when you are forced to make that move. If you have people you care about being locked down in dangerous areas, it might be best to get them out NOW!

However, this does present some real risk and some serious challenges. Approach this just like you would any other preparedness plan. Take note of the resources you have on hand and the space available in your home.

One thing is for sure, this is a limited time offer. If states begin to shut down the borders, you’ll run out of options. So, keep your eyes open, have those discussions, and be prepared.

Up Next: 

  • Planning For Phase II Of The COVID-19 Pandemic
  • The Importance Of A SHTF Plan
  • Preparedness Tips for Those with Elderly Family Members

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